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About One-2-One

I have been training dogs for over 25 years.

My team consists of my three daughters and they have been assisting me for over 10 years. They have been taught on how to approach and train dogs. I have found that they play a very important role in teaching other children how address dogs and help in retraining child-aggressive.

I own three dogs that are not only a part of the family but are a part of my team. 

I specialize in unwanted behavior. Usually there is an underling factor that triggers these unwanted behaviors.

I can help figure out what they are and help you to redirect and retrain.  

My training methods are based on being assertive, consistent and having a common-sense approach.

The training tools I use can vary from just a leash and collar to using a gentle lead. 

I believe that every dog can become a great dog.

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