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"Even though I am a canine behavorist. I contacted Paul beacuase his speacialty is aggressive dogs and I needed some help... the problem was my "perfect" highly trained obedience dog and not the rescue dog... Paul showed me a simple excerise, which I practiced for a week. Now both dogs can eat right near one another."

Marsha Tracy

New Behavior Dog Training

"We are writing this letter as a thank you and recommendation for your expertise... our dogs would not obey us. They would run out of the front door. A year ago, my husband tried to walk both dogs at the same time and they tripped him, resulting in a broken finger and knuckle. Shortly after the week and a half we spent working with you, we took the dogs camping and it was AMAZING... you gave us the tools to help us teach them the rules..."

Jennifer & David (Bruno & Daisy)

"Paul came and helped us wih our dog Febie. We purchased Febie from a family that had kids. They told us that she was really good with kids, and other pets. Febie was fine while we were at their home but on our way home our daugther, who has Down Syndrome, was holding her and was bitten... we called Paul at One-2-One. He came in with his daughters and trained Febie not to react to whatever Oliva did to her..." 

The Walkers

"Paul helped my dog Murphy. I am in a wheelchair and got Murphy as a companion dog when he was five years old. Paul was instrumental in helping Murphy work with me and my chair. I found Paul to be very knowledgeable, kind yet stern, and very capable... I was able to attach Murphy to my chair and talk him for walks without pulling..." 

Barbara Waterfield

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